Privacy Policy

HafcoVac takes your online security seriously. No credit card data is ever stored online when placing an order through our website. At the time you place your order, your credit card data is securely transmitted to our processor and discarded as soon as an approval is received. Therefore, should an adjustment to your order be necessary, we may have to ask you for your credit card number again. Should this be necessary, please contact us by phone, do not email credit card numbers.

The HafcoVac store utilizes industry leading encryption. All credit card data and personal information you enter is transmitted using 256 bit SSL encryption. You can verify this security feature at checkout by viewing the security certificate via your browser.

Should you still be apprehensive about entering your credit card data online, you may complete your order on this site, selecting “Check or PO” payment method at checkout and call with your number should you wish to pay by credit card.

We do not sell your information to any third parties. We may provide details such as your email address to our email marketing providers for the express purpose of sending communication on our behalf only.

The HafcoVac website (and our partners) will place a variety of cookies in your web browser. The purpose of these cookies is to allow our shopping cart to function properly, allow us to provide services such as live chat, allow us to determine patterns and trends in our website’s visitorship, as well as serving advertising to visitors. You can opt out of targeted advertising served to you by our partners by clicking here.